Thursday 22 December 2011

Schrödinger's Cat

Cole and Callie in Ukraine
  Next Things Next... 

      Since returning home I have been trying to tackle the 'Big Question' that everyone who asks me about my trip eventually gets around to:

What are you going to do next?

       Well... I don't know, follow my passion, dream big and take another leap of faith I guess. Just before I returned home Adventures in Missions launched a brand new project called 'Kingdom Dreams'. A few weeks ago I met with Neil, a KD consultant, via skype to talk about my experiences on the race, my passions, plans and options. (For your own consultation check out the KD website:

       The great thing about KD is that it's not just for World Racers, it's for everyone who knows that God has a plan for their lives and needs help, resources, contacts or encouragement to make it happen. In some ways the program is reminiscent of Rick Warren's book Purpose Driven Life. On the Kingdom Dreams blog they break down the process of finding, working towards and living out your dream into a few simple steps: 

       1. Discover your passion
       2. Explore options related to your passion
       3. Begin to build and plan your dream
       4. Launch into your dream

My Dream...

       The first question Neil asked me was: what are you passionate about?

Me at Asha Nepal helping to make candles.

       Preventing and putting an end to injustice, especially where children are concerned, with a focus on abolishing human trafficking. You might have already noticed the long list of links at the side of my blog, the majority of sites listed are for organizations fighting human trafficking through prevention, rehabilition and restoration. For months now I have been looking up different organizations, learning about how they work and exploring my options for involvement. One day I hope to work alongside one of these organizations and maybe even begin one of my own. 

       Through my exploration I discovered that I want to work with media in order to educate people about the issues surrounding human trafficking. It's a huge issue with global impact but very few voices are raised to cry out for justice. I want to use my voice and act as an advocate on behalf of millions of women and children trapped in the industry around the globe. I hope to accomplish this through things like writing a blog, researching and presenting the facts, creating videos, maybe even by writing a book or taking photographs. I want to educate the public in a way that empowers them. 

     I also want to work on the frontlines. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to build a school/home for at risk children. At the time I didn't have a focus or clear understanding of how that might look, now based on the exploration I've done I'm starting to figure it out. At this point I know that trades and business training will have to be included and that classes will be provided for women as well as for children.    


       So I have some big ambitions and I've figured out a few details which is great but where do they lead me? Right now I'm praying about what my next move will be and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and frightened by my array of choices. I want to make the right or best choice. As a result I keep bouncing around between my options allowing worry to crease my forehead while I find little to no resolution for my problem. Fear of man and fear of the unknown seems to drive the cycle as I go back and forth between my options. I know that when I choose to entertain fear I am choosing to stop believing the truths and promises God makes to me. 

       Since arriving back from the race I have taken to watching The Big Bang Theory after supper with my Dad. On the last episode that I watched the two main characters, Penny and Leonard, consider beginning a relationship with each other. Both of them express fears that doing so would destroy the friendship that they already have and a hope that the change in their relationship could be really good for them. In turn each of them seeks the advice of their friend Sheldon. Through their struggle God gave me the encouragement and confirmation I needed for my next step of faith.


Sheldon gives them the following example in order to guide their decision making:
"Anyway, in 1935 Erwin Schrodinger, in an attempt to explain the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Physics, he proposed an experiment where a cat is placed in a box with a sealed vial of poison that will break open at a random time. Now, since no one knows when or if the poison has been released, until the box is opened, the cat can be thought as both alive and dead.
Just like Schrodinger's cat, your potential relationship with Leonard right now can be thought of as both good and bad. It is only by opening the box that you will find out which it is." 

      Here's the thing. I have a few decisions to make that, metaphorically speaking, require me to open up a few boxes. What's inside of those boxes could turn out to be good or bad but I will never know if I just stand by and allow fear to keep me from opening them up. If I don't give it a try and open up the box then the good that could come out of the box isn't going to be possible, in fact the 'cat' might die of starvation waiting to be let out. If I do open up the box and to find a dead cat then I can bury it and move on. Either way I'll never know unless I take a risk and pull the lid off.

The only person who never makes mistakes is the person who never does anything.

                                                                                               -Denis Waitley

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