Monday 6 February 2012

Celebrating A Broken Heart...

The past few weeks I have taken a break from writing in order to think and pray through the enormous amount of choices and opportunities available to me. I've gone back and forth between debriefing my race experiences and considering where missions in my church is headed in the future.

I began this blog with a broken heart and a strong desire to continue learning and discovering the best way to combat human trafficking. The issue still weighs heavily on my heart and as of right now I don't know where the desire to love those caught up in the commercial sex trade and fight for justice is going to lead me. There are several routes that I can see myself taking. In reality I know I will probably take many different roads, go to a great deal of places and in the end find out that through all of the twists and turns I have taken a walk down each of the paths that I feel I have to choose between right now. 

Though I don't know where life is going to take me or how fast I'm going to get there I do know that I am going to do all that I can to continue to be informed and in prayer. It remains my hope that I will inspire you to follow suit.

Tonight I decided to look up one of my favourite sites, Love 146. I love how rich their use of media is to convey the realities of human trafficking and the resources they offer to those wanting to be a part of the solution. As part of a fundraising campaign they have created email Valentine's available by donation. The slogan for the campaign is thought provoking and full of truth:

          When is a broken heart worth celebrating?

                                                        ...when it changes the world.

Along the side of my blog is a long list of links to a variety of sites and books offering more information about the reality of human trafficking here in Canada, in the USA and around the world.

Valentine's Day isn't for another week why not take the time between now and then to learn a little more and then join with me on the 14th to pray for those who are enslaved, those who have been rescued and those who are fighting on the front lines to see others set free.

To help you get started I'm including a trailer to a documentary called 'Very Young Girls' about an organization called GEMS fighting for the rights and restoration of child prostitutes in New York City.  

Organizations mentioned in this blog: and

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